
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2018


BITBOSE ICO - The Future Of Promising Investments Hello everyone, readers of my blog Syndrome ICO. I will explain a bit about the crypto currency project, This is most relevant in the world of crypto currency, which is characterized by its high volatility. I decided to look for a project where all the tools for productive, high-quality and profitable trading by crypto-currencies will gather. And this is the Bitbose project. About Bitbose does not offer any kind of brokering services and neither offers any advice/suggestions to individuals. The website is purely designed for providing you the information. BitBose is liable to provide you with a fully equipped and connected customer support system. BitBose tokens are not intended to constitute a prospectus/ document regarding securities in any jurisdiction. offer equal investment rights and opportunities to the individuals, residents and representatives of the companies across the plant exce


COOLOMAT  - Disrupting The Global Groceries Marketplace Hello everyone, readers of my blog Syndrome ICO. I will explain a bit about the crypto currency project, This is most relevant in the world of crypto currency, which is characterized by its high volatility. I decided to look for a project where all the tools for productive, high-quality and profitable trading by crypto-currencies will gather. And this is the COOLOMAT project. The Riѕе Of Thе Infоrmеd Cuѕtоmеr Most оf thе rеtаil/grосеrу buѕinеѕѕ аrе ѕtill running ореrаtiоnѕ thаt are ѕеt uр tо ѕеrvе traditional сuѕtоmеrѕ. Traditional customers used mоѕtlу оnе channel, viѕitеd ѕаmе ѕtоrеѕ, and wеrе mоѕtlу aware only оf thоѕе рrоduсtѕ liѕtеd bу thеir favorite rеtаilеr. Thоѕе сuѕtоmеrѕ wеrе also рrераrеd tо drive tо ѕtоrе аnd wait раtiеntlу in саѕhiеr linеѕ. Tоdау’ѕ customers are muсh different, using multiрlе channels (wеb, briсk аnd mоrtаr, рrint, tеlеviѕiоn, еtс.), аrе vеrу wеll i


YAMZU - eSports Tournaments on the Blockchain Hello everyone, readers of my blog Syndrome ICO. I will explain a bit about the crypto currency project, This is most relevant in the world of crypto currency, which is characterized by its high volatility. I decided to look for a project where all the tools for productive, high-quality and profitable trading by crypto-currencies will gather. And this is the YAMZU project. Abstract YAMZU Opportunity Not definitely is the eSports marketplace inside the midst of an economic increase, but new income move opportunities are also rising on a each day foundation inner this broader market. New carried out sciences at the aspect of smart contracts, decentralized packages, and the Blockchain constitute an unparalleled opportunity for a successful corporation corporation to pinpoint its location of hobby inside the evolving gaming universe. We receive as proper with mounted organizations specifically stand to


VEIAG - Virtual Economic Invesment Academia Guild Hello everyone, readers of my blog Syndrome ICO. I will explain a bit about the crypto currency project, This is most relevant in the world of crypto currency, which is characterized by its high volatility. I decided to look for a project where all the tools for productive, high-quality and profitable trading by crypto-currencies will gather. And this is the VEIAG project. The first digital currency which was generated was bitcoin and his aim for generating bitcoin was to create an electronic payment method which can be used to pay transactions in our daily activities. Along the line this primary aim of creating bitcoin has changed as cryptopreneurs and crypto enthusiasts instead of using bitcoins to make transactions are rather holding bitcoin as an asset. VEIAG will be revolutionary product to a perfect for all business skill levels, whether your new to the game or an experienced veteran, VEIAG


ALIVE CASINO - World’s First Virtual Reality Gambling Experience Hello everyone, readers of my blog Syndrome ICO. I will explain a bit about the crypto currency project, This is most relevant in the world of crypto currency, which is characterized by its high volatility. I decided to look for a project where all the tools for productive, high-quality and profitable trading by crypto-currencies will gather. And this is the ALIVE CASINO project. ALIVE CASINO ALIVE CASINO is the world's first crypto-currency casino to integrate VR technology. In addition to a wide range of traditional online gambling, Alive players can enjoy live games in both HD video and VR. Do not have a VR headset yet? Do not worry! You can win one in Alive. The main goal of Alive Casino is to act in such a way that online casinos occupy a large share of the gambling market. This goal will be achieved through two key strategies: first, following only transparen


Contractium - Decentralized Software Running Ethereal Intelligent Contracts Hello everyone, readers of my blog Syndrome ICO. I will explain a bit about the crypto currency project, This is most relevant in the world of crypto currency, which is characterized by its high volatility. I decided to look for a project where all the tools for productive, high-quality and profitable trading by crypto-currencies will gather. And this is the Contractium project. Contractium is a software platform that runs smart contracts based on a decentralized ethreum. Contractium has been programmed for no downtime, safe from fraud or interference from third parties and censorship. Commercial or companies that use a contractium will create a safe market, can keep important records such as promises and debt properly, move funds in accordance with the orders given and many other advantages that can be found on this contractium platform. Contractium Network, the internet users’ Smart Contrac


NORDCOIN MINING Hello everyone, readers of my blog Syndrome ICO. I will explain a bit about the crypto currency project, This is most relevant in the world of crypto currency, which is characterized by its high volatility. I decided to look for a project where all the tools for productive, high-quality and profitable trading by crypto-currencies will gather. And this is the NORDCOIN project. THE CHALLENGES WITH TRADITIONAL CRYPTOMINING We are at the start of the blockchain boom, which is leading to an explosion of mining infrastructure. With this comes many challenges to cryptomining. Crypto-mining consumes large amounts of electricity, and crypto-farms are often limited in their ability to adapt to local changes in the pricing structures of energy markets. Once built, crypto-farms are fixed to that location and the associated energy transmission costs. With global trends changing so quickly, traditional crypto-farms lose com