Start funding your blockchain startup with ROCKET ICO
Information technology has played a big role in shaping the current standard of living and will play a vital role in shaping our future.
Towards Blockchain is their transparency and security system. After seeing the growth of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, the blockchain technology is attracting more people towards it and many companies are starting to adapt blockchain to their network. Not only big companies but also there are many interesting and exciting startups are being created based on the blockchain. Now, these startups initially need funds and they get their funds through Initial Coin Offering (ICO) process, where they promote their cryptocurrency by selling it to the people. ICO is such a great process for those companies because it not only gets funds for the future development of your company but also creates a cryptoeconomic culture. Since, everything is online in this funding system, it involves more investors in this process. But we haven’t seen that much of blockchain based startups around us. Why this gap? This is mainly due to the lack of experience of people in this field and their whitepaper sometimes are just a paper with words but no real objectives.
What is RocketICO?

RocketICO is a decentralized company that works based on the Data Access Object (DAO) concept which helps you to achieve greater heights with your projects. According to CoinDesk, blockchain startups have managed to raise $1.8bn intraditional venture investment. In 2017, the ICO have produced funds about 1.38 Billion dollars, which makes it 600% growth in a single year. Just imagine how much this industry can produce in the future.RocketICO helps these startups to create a better attraction to their ICOs and raise more funds and make the cryptoeconomic culture stronger. The mission is, “to contribute to the sustainable increase of quality and efficiency of projects that are setting up ICO initiatives by boosting cooperation, coordination and skills of the RocketICO expert, investment and business network.”
How does RocketICO work?

So, RocketICO helps these startups to achieve their goals in an efficient manner but how? The blockchain startups has to sendtheir application form to the certification board of RocketICO and they will evaluate and will either select or reject your project for further developments. But the good thing is even if they reject your proposal, they will give you a feedback saying where you can improve in terms of your project. So, for the budding entrepreneurs it is a win-win situation actually. RocketICO works like a spacecraft facility where rockets are designed and made. Everything has to be in a perfect condition and design for the rocket to function and RocketICO works in a similar way of selecting the projects and attract the investors.
After shortlisting the projects, RocketICO expert team will help the startup to prepare their Whitepaper and other marketing strategies with a short video and finally the ICO plan will be executed. All of these process will be carried out by the experts and professionals in the RocketICO team.
All the Experts, Investors, Startups have to transact within the RocketICO platform through their tokens called RocketCoinTokens. Totally 25,000,000 coins are to be created and no more coins will be created in the future.

Creating a startup is a difficult job in any industry and when you are creating a startup based on a fairly new technology like Blockchain, the support you get is very much less. RocketICO provides you the support you need for the startups to grow with their expert team and attracting the investors through their advanced marketing skills.

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ETH Address: 0x8BF5F2559AeAe3f5CBf48cD6994A3fDb9B2Bc0a8


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