HADA DBAnk - Digital Bank to Integrate Islamic Banking Module with Blockchain Technology System

This article will explain how DBADK is different, and the steps we will take towards our goals.

Here at  HADA DBANK , we aim to differ from conventional banking. In fact, we are the First Digital Bank that incorporates the Sharia Banking Module with Blockchain Technology. Syariah banking is not just for Muslims. It's for everyone. It represents something - Transparency and Risk Sharing. 

We aspire to be a 'fair' organization in the financial industry. The 2007-2008 financial crisis serves as a grim reminder of how some irresponsible players can replace an entire industry, leaving millions of people in financial ruin. Sharia banking, because of transparency, the concept of sharing profit and loss, will minimize market manipulation and eliminate other domino clashes.

Islamic banks are less risky and tougher than their peers, due to aspects of their bank's capital needs and savings mobilization. Unlike Conventional Banking, depositors to Sharia Banks are entitled to be informed of what banks do with their money. They also have a vote in which their money should be invested. Sharia banks also seek to avoid interest at all levels of financial transactions and promote risk sharing between lenders and borrowers.

There are two basic principles in sharia banking. One is the sharing of profits and losses; and two, significantly, the prohibition of interest collection and payment by creditors and investors. Collecting interest or "Riba" is not permitted under Islamic law. In the case of profits, both the bank and its customers in the proportion agreed upon previously.

In case of loss, all financial losses will then be borne by the lender. In addition, sharia banks can not create debt without goods and services to support it (ie physical assets including machinery, equipment, and inventory). Therefore, our deposits, deposits and investments with DBank will be supported by physical assets such as precious metals and gemstones.


We intend to raise capital for the development of DBANK HADA through its HADACoin. Buyers will be able to use HADACoin to conduct banking transactions or daily activities. Our customers will be issued with a Debit Card, which allows them to transact with our HADACoin, within the banking platform or other merchants globally. 

A total of 500 million hADACoins will be issued. 295 million coins will be offered for sale. Of the 295 million coins, 20 million will be allocated to private investors and institutional buyers. 50 Million coins 275 Million will be released during the PRA-ICO exercise and the remaining 225 million coins will be released in our ICO practice in the near future. 10 million coins will be allocated to the gift campaign.


35% of capital earned through our PRE-ICO exercise will be allocated to R & D (research & development). 7 labs will be established in 5 years where lab 1 and 2 will be based in Switzerland and Estonia respectively. OPEX (Operating Expenses) will make up 30% of the budget. Employing management executives will be our main activity under this sector, to ensure that the best partners and talents from related industries follow the management and operation of DBANK HADA.

CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) will receive 20% of the capital raised. Among the activities will acquire necessary business assets, and precious metals & gems (gold, silver and diamonds), to be used as collateral for future customer savings, investment and HADACoin value. 

The last 15% will be saved as RESERVE. This reserve will not be used unless it is needed and strict rules will be established. The decision to utilize this reserve will be determined by top management collectively and unanimously, to ensure there is no mismanagement and excess reserve use. We will increase DBADK's HADA Reserves to 30% of total capital, in the nearest future in accordance with Islamic Finance Law. 

MAP Road 


"Life is a symbol of individuality, but individuality is also chaotic, so life is not perfect." 

More Information Visit Links Below: 

Author: Eslilin667


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